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Holiday Traditions

Dr. Phil shares ways you can focus on the “good” this holiday season with meaningful rituals and customs.

Phil's in the Blanks

Remembering What The Holidays Are Really About – This Week’s ‘Phil In The Blanks’ Podcast

Robin and I are sharing our family traditions

Robin reveals her favorite holiday recipes and what Dr. Phil makes for breakfast every Christmas! Plus, find out how she decked their house this Christmas.

Dr. Phil Shares Ways To Focus On ‘The Good’ This Holiday Season

Whether you’re celebrating time-honored traditions or creating new ones, Dr. Phil shares ways to remember what the holidays are really about with meaningful rituals and customs

“Get in the spirit, and make this time of year even more memorable,” Dr. Phil says.

Dr. Phil: I got some of my friends around guys that I spend a lot of time with, we play tennis we hang out and talk about what we do at Christmas in our lives in our families. So you're going to hear what the guys I hang out with do including:

Chip Babcock (Charles L. “Chip” Babcock)

Freedom Wynn

Greg Meidel

Hunt Turner

Lin Wood (Lucian Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr.)

Sinan Inceer

EQUESTRIANS SET TO RIDE IN 2020 ROSE PARADE Blue Shadows Mounted Drill Team (Castaic, California)

Blue Shadows is made up of two posts which are currently composed of 7 troops combined that ride one night a week between Monday and Friday. Each member in a troop has different responsibilities according to their rank. A rider begins as a remount where they first learn the basics about horse care and riding; then they are promoted to the rank of Trooper. Through gained skills and dedication, members will then be awarded promotions which are both an honor and come with increased responsibilities for both themselves and assisting their teammates.

Aside from working towards competitions, troops will also have game nights, go on trail rides, participate in parades, and attend many other activities away from the ranch. Blue Shadows is best described as a cavalry-based organization where kids learn how to ride a horse or increase their riding skills and learn leadership and discipline, while meeting kids with similar interests. Blue Shadows is a fantastic organization for kids who would like to learn how to ride horses, ride in a drill team, and have fun in the process. As a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, Blue Shadows relies on support from donations, sponsorships, grants and fundraisers. It is an entirely volunteer-based organization. For more information:

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